Sunscreen, do you know the truth??

I am a HUGE advocate of sunscreen, starting at very early ages.. so it becomes a habit.  That being said, I got this great article in email today about 10 sunscreen secrets.. while this isn't new news.. I do expect many of you don't know these things, so I thought I would share it.

Realize that I ONLY use Rocky Mountain Sunscreen, and this is a shopping site, pushing their own online products.. so take the recommendations into account.

Slathering on sunscreen is the best way to ward off evil rays, but don't put blind faith in its efficacy. The Environmental Working Group, a nonprofit research organization based in Washington, D.C., reviewed nearly 1,400 sunscreens in 2010 and found that only 8 percent made the grade in terms of preventing skin cancer and signs of aging. (Scary, right?) So choosing the right one is critical. These fascinating facts and tips will help keep your skin healthy this summer and beyond.
Read the entire article here 

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